In some exceptional circumstances, additional funding can be requested for children without an EHCP.
Different funding routes are available depending on the child's age. Early years funding has different options. School-age (reception age upwards) funding is via the Request for Additional Funding (RAF).
Early years
- Early Education Funding (EEF) for 2, 3 and 4 year olds
- EYSEN RAF Guidance notes - 2022 (.pdf format, 355Kb)
- EY additional funding application (for children in private, voluntary and independent settings and nursery classes) (docx format, 89Kb)
- Early years sen support renewal application for additional funding (.docx format 233 Kb)
- Annual Review of Education Health and Care Plan Guidance (docx format, 55KB)
- Additional funding application form (docx format, 52Kb)
- Additional funding application form - Renewal (docx format, 55Kb)
Requesting additional funding for students with an EHCP
Additional funding is normally requested as part of the Annual Review (AR) process. The AR paperwork should be completed and submitted with relevant supporting evidence about why and how the funding is needed and will be used. When requesting further funding the SEN casework officer will communicate the decision to the school.