If you have a young person struggling to manage in a classroom setting in a mainstream school, you can access advice from Behaviour Inclusion Officers via the SENDCO Helpdesk. Alternatively, you can contact your Exclusion and Reintegration Officer, who can support a referral.

The Behaviour Inclusion Team are part of Oxfordshire County Council Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS).

The Behaviour Inclusion Officers are a team of experienced teachers, advisors, consultants, and trainers who have worked in primary and secondary schools across several Local Authorities. 

Our collective background includes

  • extensive classroom teaching and leadership experience 
  • training and facilitating whole school SEMH awareness and practice 
  • establishing PSHE and wellbeing curricula throughout school settings 
  • mentoring, coaching, modelling, and collaborative teaching, including Solution Focused approaches 
  • establishing nurture provision 
  • using assessment profiles to identify the needs of students
  • experience working in specialist settings 

We work closely with schools and Local Authority colleagues to provide advice and guidance on

  • cultivating an inclusive whole-school climate to meet the needs of every student 
  • practical classroom strategies to make learning accessible to all  
  • enhancing relational practice within school settings based on mutual respect and understanding
  • bespoke strategies to support young people with SEMH needs 
  • next steps for accessing additional and appropriate external support available 

What you can expect from Behaviour Inclusion Officers

  • prompt communication following a request for support 
  • online and face-to-face advice on matters relating to a young person's behaviour 
  • a school visit involving a meeting with relevant staff, a student observation and a discussion regarding feedback and guidance
  • a detailed report outlining discussion points, observation notes, recommendations and practical strategies 
  • a review meeting to evaluate the impact of strategies
  • a follow-up visit to support with next steps and progress 
  • attendance at relevant meetings where there is a need for behaviour support input if appropriate 

Testimonials from school staff

  • “BIOs are very knowledgeable and provide a number of useful strategies for how to support young people. They also validated what we are already doing, which is pleasing to hear. The communication was excellent; providing an in-depth report and follow up meetings with staff.” – Headteacher 
  • “It was a delight to meet the BIO - they were a huge support at a very stressful time - they shifted us to a more positive space. Thank you.” – SENCo 
  •  “Thank you so much for your visit and detailed report. Many ideas to consider and decide how we best implement them. I'm sure we will be in touch soon and it would be good to visit again.” – Headteacher 
  • A’s behaviour has improved significantly. Thank you” – Designated Safeguarding Lead 
  • Felt like they understood the challenges faced and worked well with us to unpick these and give a fresh pair of eyes to the situation in order to offer support. The NOV is incredibly detailed and will definitely help support this child into secondary school” - SENCo 

Oxfordshire’s Behaviour Inclusion Team

Senior Behaviour Inclusion Officer:

Danielle Reilly

Behaviour Inclusion Officers:

Jessica Jackson

Martin Elmes

Daniella Corless

SEMH Leads

Laura Dukes

Rachel Newsham

Team Administrators – Countywide

Monday – Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 9am – 4pm