Governor Services

Our core service is free of charge for all Oxfordshire governing boards, both maintained and academies. We provide:

  • an advice phone line
  • email help desk
  • online resources
  • Governor and clerks’ briefings
  • one-off training events
  • essential online training.

GovernorHub online governance management system is provided to all maintained schools at no charge.

In addition, we provide enhanced training and clerking packages, for which there is a charge.

View prices for these services.

Governor training

Governor training is a subscription service providing unlimited access for your governing board to attend all live training sessions provided by Oxfordshire Governor Services during the academic year. Training is booked through GovernorHub, if you have access to it, or by contacting Governor Services (0330 029046).

Pay-as-you-go governor training is also available.

Visit the Governor Services pages for full details.

The Clerking Service

The Clerking Service provides governing boards with a professional clerk, trained, and supported. The standard subscription provides the services of a clerk for 60 hours per academic year which covers:

  • The clerking of six full board meetings for the year (10 hours per meeting).

Additional clerking is available to subscribers of the Clerking Service, enabling them to purchase additional meetings to meet their schools' needs.

Specialist panel clerking for complaints, exclusions, grievances, HR and disciplinary meetings etc is available for all schools at pay-as-you-go rates.

Clerks’ training subscription provides unlimited access to training for all non-Clerking Service clerks.
Pay-as-you-go clerks’ training is also available for non-subscribers. 

Visit the Clerking Service pages for full details.


Access to GovernorHub – our recommended online way to manage governing board business. We can offer a reduced subscription rate to local governing boards and trusts who subscribe through Oxfordshire Governor Services.

NB GovernorHub subscription is provided free of charge to all maintained schools.