
Learning and School Improvement are working with colleagues to bring together all of our traded services to schools to make buying into services easier, quicker and more user-friendly. We aim to provide you with a single form through which you can book all the services available.

Telephone 03300 249046 for enquiries about these traded services.

Oxfordshire Education Services

Oxfordshire Education Services is the named educational improvement services, part of the Learning and School Improvement service, providing quality CPD and traded service offers to schools, academies and settings

Visit the Oxfordshire Education Services website to access our full catalogue

How to buy back?

To subscribe to services for the next academic year, please visit the Store via the Oxfordshire Education Services website. The buyback period usually opens between mid March to June. Exact dates will vary but are made clear on the store pages. 

Subscriptions are provided on a roll-over basis. This means they will automatically roll over each year unless you Opt Out of this option. Opting out is straightforward, and details are available on the website.