Oxfordshire Schools Inclusion Team (OXSIT)

The team of OXSIT Inclusion Consultants support leaders in mainstream primary and secondary schools to improve outcomes for learners who are vulnerable to underachievement (SEN, Disadvantaged, EAL, other vulnerable groups), improve inclusive practice and improve engagement in education.  

OXSIT Inclusion Consultants support the strategic development of inclusive provision in schools with a particular focus on early identification and improving provision for pupils at SEN Support by developing an effective graduated response that improves learner outcomes.

Annual subscription offers 2024-2025

Foundation package - £291

A comprehensive offer to support you as a SENDCo in being able to strategically lead on SEND in your school by bringing together key resources, news and updates from across the local area and the national context. 

This package includes:

  • monthly newsletter to keep you fully informed
  • access to all our members-only web resources
  • regular Q&A with experts
  • termly Inclusion Briefings
  • training sessions for teaching assistants on SEND

Foundation package plus - £791

On top of our comprehensive foundation package, this package offers you:

  • an initial online planning meeting to support development planning for SEND in line with your SDP and to map out your school’s needs for SEND. 
  • one day of OXSIT consultancy time to provide bespoke support to the school 

Consultancy packages (includes foundation package membership for free)

Support from packages is tailored to the needs of your school and your staff to improve provision and outcomes for pupils with SEND and can include elements from any other specific consultancy packages. 

This includes access to ongoing advice from your inclusion consultant throughout the year. We can help you to develop high-quality inclusive teaching, develop provision for pupils with SEND in class and in intervention, monitor and improve inclusive teaching and learning – using book looks, deep dives, learning walks, teaching assistant observations, improve and develop SEND systems and processes e.g., provision mapping, pupil profiles, the assess, plan, do, review cycle, train teachers and TAs, prepare for Ofsted.

Contact us at OXSIT@Oxfordshire.gov.uk for further details and ideas on how you could make the best use of the consultancy time.

  • OXSIT package 1 (three days) - £1,639
  • OXSIT package 2 (four days) - £2,185
  • OXSIT package 3 (six days) - £3,277

Supporting your SENFCO to prepare for Ofsted package: A package of 2 half-day visits to support your SENFCO, SEND Governor, and middle leaders to prepare for Ofsted (£500).

Half day 1: 

  • meeting with SENCO and HT/ SENDCO line manager to discuss SDP and SEND, and questions relating to SEND and the curriculum
  • meeting with SENCFO to discuss questions Ofsted will likely ask and a chance to practice and develop answers

Half day 2: 

  • learning walk with SENFCO to look at provision for specific pupils in relation to their EHC Plans or Pupil Profiles including looking at books in class and asking questions about provision. This could also include a middle leader e.g., subject lead or HOD, to focus on provision for pupils with SEND in a particular curriculum area and consider how the curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of learners with SEND
  • meeting with SENFCO and SEND Governor to discuss questions Ofsted will likely ask and a chance to practice and develop answers
  • meeting with SENDCO and HT or SENCO line manager to discuss next steps in preparing for Ofsted

Packages for specific SEND

Behaviour support package

A package of 2 half-day visits to support staff to improve inclusion for an individual learner with SEMH and behaviours that challenge (£500).

Half day 1:

  • discussion with SENCO about pupil
  • observation of pupil
  • review of SEND file and support to date 
  • ISP meeting with key staff

Half day 2 (pm visit): 

  • observation of pupil
  • follow up meeting to discuss progress and next steps
  • 1-hour staff meeting on ‘A Graduated approach to SEMH and behaviours that challenge’

Dyslexia and literacy difficulties package: (£500)

A package of 2 half day visits to include:

  • assessment of pupils of concern using tools including PhAB 2, LAPack, NARA, YARC (2 hours)
  • 1 x 1-hour staff meeting on dyslexia
  • literacy difficulties SEND surgery for teachers and SENCO to discuss strategies to support particular pupils

TAs/SENCO can observe suitable assessments to build in-house capacity in the future. 

An assessment report summary will be provided for each pupil assessed. NB this will not be a diagnosis of dyslexia. 

Training packages

  • SEND Online Training package 1 A package of 4 x 1 -1.5 hr online staff meetings on MS Teams on any of the courses OXSIT offer throughout the year which can be personalised to your setting’s needs.  (£612)
  • Select from the following sessions:
    • Neurodivergent Learners Series: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia and writing difficulties, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, Executive Function Working Memory and Cognitive Load, Moderate Learning Difficulties, ADHD, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, SEMH and behaviours that challenge
    • Adaptive Teaching part 1 and part 2
    • Other courses: Meeting the needs of EAL learners, Effective TA practice to develop independent learners, Effective Deployment of TAs for teachers, The Graduated Approach and effective SEN support provision, Training on administering assessments for SEND