- Annual Schedule of Governing Board Business 2024-254 (pdf format, 800 KB)
- Running a school or college: list of information about running a school or college including e.g. admissions, governance, statutory policies and guidance - GOV.UK
Governor monitoring
- Governor monitoring visit template (docx format, 225 KB)
- Example Governor Monitoring Plan (July 2025) (docx, format, 33KB)
Complaints procedure
Cyber Security
"Governing bodies need to understand the considerable damage cyber security attacks can cause to their schools. At least one governor should complete cyber security training." DfE Maintained Schools Governance Guide
- Cyber security in schools: questions for governors and trustees
- Cyber security training for school staff
Equality Act 2010
- Equality Act 2010: guidance - GOV.UK
- Equality Act 2010: advice for schools - GOV.UK
- Public Sector Equality Duty - GOV.UK
Freedom of information
Health and safety
HR policies and procedures
PE and sport premium
PE and sport premium for primary schools
Pupil discipline
- Anti-bullying: Information and guidance
- Behaviour and discipline in schools: guidance - GOV.UK
- Exclusion and Reintegration Team
- Suspension and Exclusion documents
Pupil premium
- Pupil premium: research and information
- Pupil premium: funding and accountability for schools: guidance - GOV.UK
- The EEF guide to the Pupil Premium
Relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education
Safeguarding children
- Safeguarding overview for governing boards (pdf format, 106 KB)
- Safeguarding: Information and resources Information and resources about safeguarding provided by the OCC Education Safeguarding Advisory Team (ESAT).
- Keeping children safe in education: guidance - GOV.UK
- Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people vulnerable to radicalisation - GOV.UK
School uniform
- SEN and disability duties: guidance for school governing boards (GOV.UK)
- Equality Act 2010 and disabled pupils: A guide for governors and trustees (Council for disabled children)
- SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years (GOV.UK)
Statutory policies for schools and academy trusts
- Statutory policies for maintained schools (GOV.UK)
- Statutory policies for trusts (GOV.UK)
- Example policy tracker (docx format, 68 KB)