This information may be appropriate for primary and/or secondary pupils according to their age, stage and individual needs.
An introduction to autism
- What is autism (National Autistic Society)
- What is Autism (Autism Education Trust)
- Understanding autism (Ambitious about Autism)
How autism presents in and impacts females and how to safeguard them
- Autistic women and girls (National Autistic Society)
- Girls and autism (Ambitious about Autism)
- Safeguarding autistic girls at school (National Autistic Society)
Information, training and support for PDA people, parents and carers, and professionals can be found on the PDA website.
Anxiety, and its experience for autistic people.
- Anxiety and autism (Autistica)
- Anxiety in autistic people (National Autistic Society)
- Anxiety in autism (The Autism Research Group)
Understanding and supporting social behaviour and feelings
- Friendships (Autism Central)
- Social stories and comic strip conversations (National Autistic Society)
- The Zones of Regulation
Puberty and beyond
- Sex education - a guide for parents (National Autistic Society)
- Puberty (Autism Central)
- Advice for parents (Autism Education Trust)
- Supporting Autistic and Neurodivergent Learners in Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) | Autism Education Trust
- Gender identity. There is some evidence to show a link between gender dysphoria and autism, and that autistic people may be more likely than other people to have gender dysphoria. There is little evidence about the reason(s) why, and some recent research suggests the link between autism and gender dysphoria is not so clear. More research is needed. Autism and gender identity (National Autistic Society)
Safeguarding and bullying information specific to autism
- Safeguarding young people (National Autistic Society)
- Safeguarding autistic girls at school (National Autistic Society)
- Bullying (Ambitious about Autism)
- Dealing with bullying - a guide for teachers (National Autistic Society)
- Autism and bullying guide 2023 (Anti-bullying Alliance)
Self-help resources
Best practice guidance
- Good Autism Practice Guidance (Autism Education Trust)
- A SENCO's guide to supporting learners with autism (Autism Education Trust)
- Schools Standards Framework (Autism Education Trust)
- Schools Competency Framework (Autism Education Trust)
Resources to help you create a communication-friendly classroom
- Visual supports (National Autistic Society)
- Creating a communication friendly environment in schools (NHS)
The progression framework is intended to assist practitioners in identifying areas where autistic pupils may require additional support, so that specific programmes can be planned and implemented.
Evidence-based intervention materials support understanding of feelings and social behaviour.
- Social thinking (The Zones of Regulation)
- Social thinking (Social Thinking)
- What is a Social Story? (Carol Gray)
- Making friends as an autistic young person (Ambitious about Autism)
- Friendships (Autism West Midlands)
- You Are a Social Detective: Explaining Social Thinking to Kids by Garcia Winner, Michelle (ISBN: 9780884272007)
- Social Thinking for Teens and Tweens by Garcia Winner, Michelle (ISBN-13: 9781936943005)
- Talkabout for Teenagers: Developing Social and Emotional Communication (
- Social stories and comic strip conversations (
- Autistic and OK
Resources to use to support your work with pupils presenting with PDA.
Resources to use to support your work with pupils presenting with sensory needs.
Resources to use to support a whole school community's understanding of autism
Best practice guidance on working with children and their families
- Parent Guide for Working Together with Your Child's School (Autism Education Trust)
- Positive relationships between home and school (Autism Education Trust)
- Communicating with your school (Ambitious about Autism)
Resources to support girls with autism
Inclusive support series - Autism
The communication and interaction advisory service has a menu of training courses, including Bitesize, Autism Education Trust and primary/secondary Swift courses.
SWIFT is a training programme for schools and parents/carers who have a child on the autism spectrum or who has communication and interaction needs. It consists of four modules that explore key aspects of autism, development and learning.
Training on making sense of autism, good autism practice, social stories, zones of regulation, communication-friendly classrooms, anxiety, and PDA is available. Discuss your needs and priorities with your specialist advisory teacher.
Whole School SEND training on an introduction, identification, supporting and developing speech, language and communication needs
Specialist support in school
SENSS communication and interaction team
Our SENSS communication and interaction team support, advise and empower staff in schools and settings to understand the needs of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs and autism spectrum conditions.