Available to download here is detailed budget and financial planning information.
Formula funding allocations 2024-25
School budget shares for primary and secondary schools in Excel workbook. This includes funding for pupils aged from reception up to age 15. These budget shares include minimum funding guarantee (MFG).
- Formula Funding Allocations (xlsx format, 7Mb)
- Note: if you are unable to enter your LAESTAB number when the file opens in your browser, please download the file - then click the 'Enable Editing' button once downloaded.
- Accessibility: If you have a disability and cannot access this information email the School Finance helpdesk.
School budget shares 2024-25
- Covering letter to support the budget allocations (pdf format, 345 Kb)
- A guide to schools funding and finance (pdf format, 341 Kb)
Special School Budgets 2024-25
(All pdf formats about 76Kb)
- Bardwell
- Bishopswood
- Fitzwaryn
- Frank Wise
- John Watson
- Kingfisher
- Mabel Pritchard
- Northern House
- Orion
- Springfield
- The Iffley Academy
- Woodeaton Manor
Provisional High Needs top up payments for Secondary schools 2024-25
- High Needs top-up (pdf format, 89Kb)
- Finance letter to secondary school headteachrs (pdf format, 163 KB)
Please also see section immediately below which provides further information re achieving a a level of £13.04 per hour of support to EHCP holders
SEND Top up funding arrangements for 2023-24
Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) indicative Budgets 2023-24 – Universal Hours
Indicative budgets for nursery classes in maintained primary schools and attached nursery, for universal hours.
- Individual draft funding statements issued to schools by Early Years Team.
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) 2023-24
The Department for Education (DfE) introduced an EYPP for 3 and 4 year olds (that meet specified criteria) in April 2015. This additional funding is for 3 and 4 year olds within Nursery School/Nursery Classes (not for children in the reception class who are funded through the main school budget). Further information can be found on the Early Education Fund pages LINK, and selecting the Early years pupil premium box.
Early Years SEND funding arrangements 2023-24
- Details of Early Years SEND funding arrangements for 2023-24.