Children with a sensory or physical need usually display the following:

  • Visual or hearing impairments
  • Sensory processing difficulties – for example congenital conditions or injury
  • Physical needs meaning additional ongoing support and equipment is needed
  • The ability to access school is affected

Accessibility and ICT

  • Information to follow


  • Information to follow

Multi sensory impairment

  • Information to follow

Physical difficulties

Children with a physical disability may have difficulty carrying out some day-to-day activities. The primary classroom environment can be important in ensuring that a child has free access to everything and can take part in all activities, as part of the class.

Resources are available for specific support.

Sensory processing

  • Information to follow

Vision impairment

Supporting children with vision impairment to have equal access to education and wider school activities means some adjustments might need to be made. The RNIB offers some practical advice.

Resources are available for specific support.