This information may be appropriate for primary and/or secondary pupils according to their age, stage and individual needs.


Self-help resources

  • DHS glue ear advice to settings
  • DHS Oxfordshire first 100 signs with BSL alternatives
  • DHS Oxfordshire 100 signs BSL video
  • NDCS deaf friendly teaching primary
  • NDCS deaf friendly teaching special schools
  • DHS is your setting deaf friendly
  • DHS pre-school and primary book list with deaf characters


Specialist support in school

The SENSS Deaf and Hearing Support Team 

A countywide Special Educational Needs (SEN) teaching and advisory support service.

Experienced mainstream teachers with a specialist qualification to work with babies, children and young people with hearing loss. We aim to enable children and young people with hearing loss to be effective learners and make exceptional progress.  

When a baby or young child has a confirmed hearing loss, they can be referred. A team member contacts the family and arranges a visit, which is usually made to the family home.