To ensure regular school attendance, alongside statutory duties, to issue Penalty Notices and Prosecutions under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 and the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 amendment.

Working closely with partner agencies to ensure appropriate actions are delivered as early intervention and prevention measures. 

Further information can be found under section 19 of the Education Act 1996.

The team can be contacted on 01865 323513 or

Named contacts

To support schools with the implementation of working together to improve school attendance.

Attendance concerns: Ensuring support is offered

Leave of absence


Model attendance policy

Reintegration timetables

Information for schools on setting up and notifying reintegration timetables.

Penalty notices

Establishment portal

All attendance referrals and Penalty Notices for unauthorised absences must be made via the establishment portal. Supporting documentation must be attached to the relevant forms within the Portal.