The information below may be suitable for primary and/or secondary pupils according to age, stage and individual needs.
- National site -
- Evidence-based resources for teaching interventions -
Self-help resources
- SENSS DSCN good practice checklist
- SENSS DSCN Information Sheet DS Learning Profile
Online drop-In sessions are an opportunity to discuss individual pupils with the DSCN advisory team on a no names basis and will be available monthly. Book a 20-minute slot via the website.
Training is available on Down’s syndrome and complex needs. Access training through education services
Training on moderate learning difficulties - in-school CPD and as an OXSIT training courses
Specialist support in school
Educational psychology service
- Bespoke training for schools and settings.
- Joint problem-solving/psychological consultation around a specific case or issue.
- Whole class /whole school interventions
Find out more about what is available on the Family Information Service
Down’s syndrome and complex needs
- Free online training ‘Supporting pupils with Down’s syndrome and complex needs’ will run every half term.
- A good practice checklist will be shared to give lots of ideas for implementing good practice and will help you decide if further support from SENSS DSCN is required.
- If SENSS DSCN support is required, complete a DSCN referral form (this is on the local offer) and email this together with the completed good practice checklist to SENSS
- A DSCN advisory teacher will arrange a virtual Teams meeting with the SENDCO and class teacher to discuss the referral.
Find out more about the specialist support available through education services