The information below may be appropriate for primary and/or secondary pupils according to age, stage and individual needs. 


Self-help resources 


Online drop-in sessions are an opportunity to discuss individual pupils with the DSCN advisory team on a no names basis and will be available monthly between 3.30pm and 4.30pm. Book a 20-minute slot on the website 

Training is available on Down’s syndrome and complex needs. Access training through education services

Training for teaching assistants on developing independent learners and effective classroom support - In School CPD and OXSIT training courses

Training on inclusive, adaptive teaching, and meeting the needs of learners with social, emotional and mental health needs - In School CPD and OXSIT training courses

Online, self-led training on understanding executive function and memory for learning. Access training through Whole School SEND

Specialist support in school 

Down’s syndrome and complex needs

  • Free online training ‘Supporting pupils with Down’s syndrome and complex needs’ will run every half term. 
  • A good practice checklist will be shared to give lots of ideas for implementing good practice and will help you decide if further support from SENSS DSCN is required. 
  • If SENSS DSCN support is required, complete a DSCN referral form (this is on the local offer) and email this together with the completed good practice checklist to SENSS 
  • A DSCN advisory teacher will arrange a virtual Teams meeting with the SENDCO and class teacher to discuss the referral.

Find out more about the specialist support available through education services 

Oxfordshire school inclusion team (OXSIT) 

  • Consultancy package work can include support with: 
  • Training for teachers and teaching assistants on developing independent learners (in line with the Making the best use of Teaching Assistants EEF guidance)
  • Teaching assistant training on effective classroom support
  • Monitoring of inclusive practice for moderate learning difficulties  
  • Supporting the development of robust systems to enable an effective graduated approach for pupils with cognition and learning needs.   

Find out more on what is available from OXSIT