The information below may be appropriate for primary and/or secondary pupils according to age, stage and individual needs.
- National site -
- Evidence-based resources for teaching interventions -
Self-help resources
Online drop-in sessions are an opportunity to discuss individual pupils with the DSCN advisory team on a no-names basis and will be available monthly between 3.30pm and 4.30pm. Book a 20-minute slot on the website
Training is available on Down’s syndrome and complex needs and effective task design. Access training through education services
Training on executive function, working memory and cognitive load including the working memory rating scale and digit span assessments. in-school CPD and as an OXSIT training courses
Online, self-led training on understanding executive function and memory for learning. Access training through Whole School SEND
Specialist support in school
Educational psychology service
- Bespoke training for schools and settings.
- Joint problem-solving/psychological consultation around a specific case or issue.
- Whole class /whole school interventions
Find out more about what is available on the Family Information Service