Employees will normally receive one when they are recruited, which should be reviewed annually to ensure it is kept up to date. The job description is also an essential tool in appraisal.

A job description should be an outline of the main duties and responsibilities of the job. It should include a job title, who the employee is responsible to and any relevant information about pay and hours.


The professional duties of all categories of teachers are set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document. Job descriptions should include a reference to these duties together with the job's specific requirements.

The review of school staffing has highlighted particular issues about the role of teachers in coordinating subjects across the curriculum, especially in primary schools. 

The STPCD lists the following as part of a classroom teacher’s professional duties:

  • (paragraph 73.6) advising and co-operating with the headteacher and other teachers on the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements;
  • (paragraph 73.1) having regard to the curriculum for the school and with a view to promoting the development of the abilities and aptitudes of the pupils in any class or group assigned to him/her;
  • (paragraph 73.11.3/4) co-ordinating and managing the work of other staff; and taking such part as may be required of him/her in the review, development and management of activities relating to the curriculum, organisation and pastoral functions of the school.

Following these statutory obligations, teachers could, not unreasonably, be asked to contribute to discussions on, for example, appropriate syllabuses, courses, pedagogy and methodology and to give the headteacher and other colleagues the benefit of his/her expertise/experience in a particular area or field.

In cases where responsibilities exceed or lie outside these parameters (for example, where the coordination of subjects across the curriculum entails leading and managing other teachers), it would not be reasonable for teachers to undertake them without additional remuneration.  It would then be for the school to determine whether such responsibilities/posts of responsibility meet the criterion and the factors for the award of a TLR payment or whether an AST, an Excellent Teacher or a member of the leadership group would better undertake them.


Role profiles

When creating a brand new post you will be asked for a role profile number to create the post and recruit to it. This unique reference number links to standard information held about the post.

When entering the role profile numbers (xlsx format), (now renamed according to the grade of the post), the grade level name is pulled through into the post title. This must be overtyped by the manager otherwise, the post title will be the grade of the post.