Recruitment websites and ideas


  • Social media
  • School communications
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Local media
  • Neighbouring schools
  • Community spaces and events
  • Headhunting
  • Alumni
  • Professional groups
  • Church
  • Local employers
  • Parish Magazine

Organisations which can help

  • Governors for schools - finds, places, and supports skilled volunteers as governors and trustees on school and academy boards.
  • Do IT - a national database of volunteering opportunities, including school governance.
  • Reach Volunteering - allows organisations to post vacancies and search their community to find new volunteers.
  • National Black Governors Network (NBGN) represents black people seeking to become trustees and governors across all levels of education.
  • Young Trustees Movement - specialises in promoting trustee positions for volunteers under 30 years of age.

Election and appointment process

Governor induction

The new governor induction checklist (pdf format, 235 KB) has been produced for chairs, clerks and new governors. It ensures that governors have essential information and that all checks and updates have been completed.