Service Sub-landing Pages are index pages that link out to other pages. They usually sit a level below a Service Landing Page. Think of them as chapters of a book, giving the user the option to browse everything in that section.

They automatically pull in the title and the summary of the page they're linking to.

Content tab

On the content tab, complete the title, summary and body fields. Also select the parent using the lookup at the bottom. This places the page into the navigation and creates the breadcrumb. 

Note that any pages that sit beneath this page will appear at the top under the heading ‘pages linking here’. This is a good reminder of which pages to include when clicking into the ‘child pages’ tab.

Child pages tab

On the ‘child pages’ tab, the main task is to add all the pages you want to include as links. Use the URL link to find them. Remember that all pages have to be manually added, nothing is added automatically. 
