This information is for SENDCOs working in educational settings in Oxfordshire.
About the helpdesk
The SENDCO helpdesk is an early advice service. It is run by specialist SENCOs who can:
- support SENDCOs to deliver a comprehensive graduated response within their schools/settings
- answer queries and problem-solve
- signpost and consider the next steps
- raise awareness of Oxfordshire County Council's Local Offer
The helpdesk will give time to discuss concerns at an individual or whole school/setting level. It is aimed to help support SENDCOs (or practitioners supporting SEND in early years) to consider the next steps when implementing the graduated response so that the needs of children and young people with SEND are met as early as possible.
Advice will be evidence-based, supportive and provide high-quality early intervention.
The helpdesk is not a referral process to agencies within Oxfordshire. Agencies should continue to be accessed in the usual way:
If you or your child has requested or is the subject of an educational, health and social care needs assessment or has an EHC plan, please contact the SEND casework team. (Please note that the team only oversees the administration of the local authority's statutory processes for children and young people with SEND)
Who can use the helpdesk?
All those who hold the role of SENDCO in their school/setting or the manager of an early years setting. Teachers should speak to their SENDCO first for advice and support.
Oxfordshire childminders, private, voluntary or independent early years settings, primary and secondary schools can access the helpdesk.
The helpdesk is not designed for parents and we are not able to respond to direct requests from parents. For advice and support, contact:
Before contacting the help desk
Ensure you read through our advice page. Most common questions and queries are answered on this page.