Just as the code of practice states that ‘every teacher is a teacher of SEND’, every school/setting leader is a leader of SEND. 

Schools/settings can access support to review, evaluate, and improve the provision of inclusivity and SEND for the whole school/setting in the following ways.

1. School SEN information report

As part of the Local Offer requirements, all maintained schools and academies must publish an annual information report on their website from September 2014. 

It must be updated at least annually. For a template and ideas of what to include in the information report, visit the School SEN Information Report (docx format, 20KB).

The Code of Practice (pdf format, 20KB) details what must be included in the SEN Information Report. It can be set out however you choose, but the information must be easily accessible by parents and young people and written in clear, straightforward language.

2. Oxfordshire school inclusion team (OXSIT) SEND reviews

OXSIT inclusion consultants are experienced SENCOs and school leaders. 

We support the strategic development of inclusion provision in schools, focusing on early identification and improving provision for pupils at SEN support by developing an effective graduated response that improves learner outcomes.

As part of our consultancy traded offer, we can complete a SEND review and support your self-evaluation and development planning. 

This involves a full day with two OXSIT consultants in school and a detailed written report outlining the findings and suggested actions and developments.

Please email OXSIT@Oxfordshire.gov.uk for further information.

The data entered here will be used for the review for schools using the Evaluate My School platform. 

3. Oxfordshire Early Years SEND Inclusion Audit on Evaluate My School

Register for a dedicated free Early Years SEND inclusion audit available for all private, voluntary and independent early years settings, schools with nursery classes and nursery schools. 

This audit is not currently suitable for childminders.  A version for childminders is in development.

The audit aims to help schools and settings evaluate the effectiveness of their Early Years SEND provision, improving early identification and intervention support. 

Learn more about the audit and Evaluate My School platform on Education Services.

Completion of the audit also gives you free access to all Early Years SEND training on Oxfordshire Education Services.

4. Evaluate My School – A SEND self-evaluation platform

Written in collaboration with national experts, this SEND evaluation asks best practice questions, providing you with the information you need to make informed strategic decisions for your school.

  • The platform supports schools to identify strengths and areas for development 
  • Provides a simple and efficient platform for evidencing impact
  • Can be used to generate an action plan for development areas 

A short video explains the benefits of Evaluate My School and how it works

Email Jane.Elvidge@Oxfordshire.gov.uk to register your school for free.

5. Whole School SEND review guides

These review guides and reflection frameworks have been created and trialled by experienced school-based professionals and specialists to support school improvement for SEND. 

We advise that these stakeholders are included in any structured review activity. 

Find out more about the free guides and frameworks from Whole School SEND.

6. Education Endowment Fund

Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools

The Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools guidance report makes five evidence-based recommendations to support pupils with SEND. It provides a starting point for schools to review their current approach and practical ideas they can implement. 

Making the best use of teaching assistants

The recommendations in teaching assistance guidance can help schools make the best use of teaching assistants. 

Learn more about best practices and guidance on TAs.

Early years guidance

The recommendations in the Early Years guidance support Early Years Settings in implementing great learning and development opportunities for two- to five-year-olds.