Letter from f40 and NGA
To all members of f40, including Executive Committee members, Cabinet Members, Directors, School Finance Managers, and School Forum Chairs
Good Afternoon,
f40 has partnered with the National Governance Association in drafting a letter that school and Multi-Academy Trust governing bodies can adapt and send to their local MPs about the crisis in SEND ahead of the Spending Review.
We are encouraging governing bodies to adapt the letter and send it to their local Members of Parliament in the hope they pass on the concern and strength of feeling to the Education Secretary, Treasury, and Government policy-makers about the need for increased funding and reform in SEND as a matter of urgency.
We would be very grateful if you could share it with your schools, MATs and networks, encouraging them to personalise the letter with their school branding and names, before sending it on to their MPs.
The more governing bodies we can get involved, the better, as Government finalises its spending plans during the next few weeks.
If you require any more information, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Many thanks in advance for your support.
Kind regards,
Karen Westcott
Secretary of f40