Consultation regarding expansion in student numbers, Mabel Prichard Special School

Mabel Prichard School and The Gallery Trust are working with Oxfordshire County Council to increase the number of students on the school’s primary site at Cuddesdon Way, Oxford by 30. The expansion in the school roll from the current 106 places to 136 places will support students with special needs in the county and is important to ensure that appropriate education provision is available to children and young people with SEND. 

Currently, there are insufficient school places for students with SEND, and the supply of places is not meeting the demand. 

The additional students will be accommodated within the building at Cuddesdon Way by adapting 3 classrooms previously used by Orchard Meadow Primary School, but no longer required by that school. The building will not be expanded, but current space will be remodelled and refurbished to meet the needs of the students. This is a cost-effective way to increase the size of the school with a minimal impact on the site. 

The proposed works will be funded by Oxfordshire County Council, as part of its county-wide programme of increasing special education provision. Please let us know your thoughts on this proposal by completing the survey. Alternatively, a consultation response form is available in Word format on request from 

The deadline for your response is 15 July 2024. The Gallery Trust will collate all responses, analyse the feedback, address any concerns raised and decide whether to proceed with the submission of the application for the change to the Department for Education.

Please click here for the response form. (Word doc, 63KB)

Thank you for your participation in the survey.