The financial framework for schools is set out in the Scheme for Financing Schools, which the Secretary of State approves.
The practical day-to-day application is set out in the Financial Manual of Guidance
The document is divided into four sections, as shown below:
- Financial regulations for schools
- Standing orders
- Code of conduct in respect of commercial practices
- Keeping a register of financial interests
A - Financial regulations for schools
- Chapter index and contacts
- Introduction (.pdf format, 60Kb)
- Responsibilities (.pdf format, 36Kb)
- Delegation (.pdf format, 33Kb)
- Revenue Budget (.pdf format, 33Kb)
- Revision of the Revenue Budget (.pdf format, 22Kb)
- Accounting Procedures (.pdf format, 25Kb)
- Year End Balance (.pdf format, 21Kb)
- Budget Monitoring (.pdf format, 65Kb)
- Capital Expenditure (.pdf format, 25Kb)
- Irregularities (.pdf format, 65Kb)
- Internal and External Audit (.pdf format, 20Kb)
- Legal Procedures (.pdf format, 20Kb
- Access to Information (.pdf format, 19Kb)
- Voluntary Funds (.pdf format, 23Kb)
- Trust Funds (.pdf format, 33Kb)
- Expenditure (.pdf format, 38Kb)
- Orders for Work, Goods and Services - non-employee (.pdf format, 22Kb)
- Invoices for Payment (.pdf format, 36Kb)
- Contracts for Building and Civil Engineering Works (.pdf format, 22Kb)
- Salaries, Wages and Pensions (.pdf format, 40Kb)
- Income (.pdf format, 33Kb)
- Bank accounts and petty cash(.pdf format, 41Kb)
- Value Added Tax (.pdf format, 23Kb)
- Asset Management (.pdf format, 25Kb)
- Insurances (.pdf format, 27Kb)
- Travelling and Subsistence Allowances (.pdf format, 22Kb)
- Security (.pdf format, 23Kb)
- Information Management Systems/Data protection (.pdf format, 32Kb)
- School Meals and Income Collection (.pdf format, 21Kb)
- Procedure for the Suspension of a School's Delegated Budgets (.pdf format, 22Kb)
- Provision of Services by the Authority (.pdf format, 25Kb)
- Devolved facilities (Income and expenditure) (.pdf format, 23Kb)
- Functions which could be Delegated by the Governing Body (.pdf format, 23Kb)
- Financial Control Procedures (.pdf format, 46Kb)
- Authorised Financial Institutions (.pdf format, 18Kb)
- Risk Management (.pdf format, 19Kb)
- Data Protection Act - Registration by School (.pdf format, 32Kb)
- Conduct of an Arbitration Hearing (.pdf format, 19Kb)
- Model internal Financial Procedures Manual Policy (docx format, 80Kb)
- Leasing (.pdf format, 80Kb)
- Deficit budget approval process (.pdf format, 27Kb)
- Financial calendar (pdf format, 254Kb
- Abbreviations (pdf format, 76Kb)
- External references (pdf format, 120Kb)
- Document retention schedule (pdf format, 125Kb)