- Strategy for accurate place planning for schools and settings and ensuring a sufficient supply of early years and school places (including opening new schools)
- The technical arrangements around new types of educational provision (such as Free Schools)
- The school and early years capital programmes
- The Academies Programme in Oxfordshire
Pupil Place Plan
The Pupil Place Plan brings together information and sets out issues we will face in meeting our statutory duties for providing school and early years places. It is available to view on our public website.
School Organisation Stakeholders Group
The SOSG meets quarterly, comprising representatives from:
- Church of England and Catholic Dioceses,
- OSSHTA (Oxfordshire Secondary School Headteachers’ Association),
- OPHTA (Oxfordshire Primary Headteachers’ Association),
- OASSH (Oxfordshire Association of Special School Headteachers),
- OGA (Oxfordshire Governors’ Association),
- all Oxfordshire District Councils,
- OCC Councillors representing the political parties
- OCC Cabinet Member for Children, Education & Families.
Members of the School Organisation & Planning team at Oxfordshire County Council organise and report to the meetings.
Any enquiries about SOSG, including requests for past meeting notes, should be made to the School Organisation & Planning Team at school.planning@oxfordshire.gov.uk