Quality First Teaching

YouTube video has been produced by Oxfordshire’s School Inclusion Team (OXSIT) about Quality First Teaching to help schools maximise progress for all learners.

The Ordinarily Available Toolkit

The Ordinarily Available Toolkit provides guidance on the provision that mainstream schools need to make for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities in Oxfordshire.

Inclusive support series

The inclusive support series are strengths-based tools to identify reasonable adjustments in learning settings. They can be used to facilitate conversations with class teachers about a specific pupil(s) and to develop inclusive practice. Please see the first in the series below

The SENDCO Helpdesk

The team of Specialist SENDCos and Specialist Early Years advisors are on hand to provide working SENDCos with strategies, signposting, early intervention guidance and universal support for primary age/stage and early years children. The team can support with concerns at an individual or whole school/setting level, either by email, phone or TEAMS Meeting.

SEN Support

SEN Support in Oxfordshire Schools and Settings provides a clear and consistent approach across Oxfordshire. This guidance has been written for settings and schools (both maintained and academies) at early years (docx format, KB) and primary and secondary levels (doc format, 900 KB).

Local Offer - Guidance and procedures for providers 

Early years


Education, health and care plans

Person-centred planning

‘All About Me’ person-centred planning guidance (pdf format, 378 KB)

Requesting an EHC Needs Assessment

Annual reviews

School SEN information report

As part of the Local Offer requirements all maintained schools and academies must publish an annual information report on their website from September 2014. It must be updated at least annually. Oxfordshire has produced a template and ideas of what to include in the information report. School SEN Information Report skeleton (doc format, 23 KB)

The Code of Practice (June 2014) extract (pdf format, 144 KB) details what must be included in the SEN information report. Schools are able to set this out in any way they choose, but the information provided must be easily accessible by parents and young people and written in clear, straightforward language.


All training courses can be found and applied for via the eBooking system; search for the course by topic e.g. SEN or INSET

Strategy policy and guidance

Examples of inter-authority SEN top-up funding guidance packs