Virtual School Training

Title: Transition Workshop (2 sessions) 

When? Tuesday 4th March, 1-3pm (Session 1 in-person) and Tuesday 29th April, 3.30-4.30pm (Session 2 online)

Where? The Mulberry Bush, Linden House 93 High Street Standlake OX29 7RH Trainer: Polly Francis, Therapeutic Trainer & Outreach Practitioner Relevant for? DTs, DSLs, Inclusion/Pastoral Staff, Mental Health Leads, SENDCos 

What? This new course is aimed at supporting professionals to think about significant transition points for the children and young people they are working with whilst also considering less obvious changes or transitions. It will provide practical tools and considerations around transitions encouraging attendees to reflect on their own practice and areas for future development. At The Mulberry Bush, we recognise that positive beginnings and endings are key for children and young people and that transition points can create strong feelings which need to be supported. 

As a result, the training will consider the feelings which can drive behaviours and how we can plan ahead to create calm transformations for children and young people. Transition reflection session (Session 2) Online follow-up reflection session 

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