SLCN and challenging behaviours

Title: Speech, language and communication needs and challenging behaviour 

When? Tuesday 11th February, 1.30-3pm 

Where? MS Teams 

Trainer: Dr Hester Riviere, Senior Specialist Educational Psychologist, ATTACH Team

Relevant for? DTs, DSLs, Inclusion/Pastoral Staff, Mental Health Leads, SENDCOs 


There is a well-researched and clearly demonstrated link between Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and challenging behaviour. Research also shows us that care experienced children are much more likely than their peers to experience SLCN. We know that addressing SLCN, which are often hidden needs, can reduce challenging behaviour by meeting the underlying need. This session will introduce you to some of the reasons for the higher incidence of SLCN in children we care for in terms of how language and communication develop. We will present some resources we have developed with a range of services across the Local Authority to support schools in identifying and addressing these needs.

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