SEND lead governor

A reminder – please ensure that you have appointed a lead governor for SEND. For maintained schools, the named governor appointed should be assigned to the role on GovernorHub. If you do not currently have anyone assigned to the role we will be contacting your chair of governors shortly to clarify who has that role. 

Please follow the link to SEN and disability duties: guidance for school governing boards - GOV.UK

“While overall responsibility rests with the board, there should be a lead member of the governing body or a sub-committee with specific oversight of the school’s arrangements for SEN and disability. The lead member will:

  • champion the school’s support for pupils with SEN and disabilities, including good practice in pupil engagement
  • ensure that the board has the information it needs for assurance about the school’s practice
  • work closely with the head teacher or principal, senior leadership team and (in the case of mainstream schools) the SENCO

If you need assistance in adding or assigning the role to GovernorHub, please follow the Help link Assigning or creating a role | GovernorHub Help Centre or email