Schools Forum

Schools forum are looking for:

·         One primary academy governor

·         Two secondary academy governors

to be representatives of academies on the Schools Forum.  Both MAT Trustees and members of Local Governing Bodies are eligible.  The role is suitable for people with experience of school budget management and an interest in the technical aspects of school finance.

The purpose of the Forum is to provide strategic direction for the funding of schools in the local authority and support services in relation to new school funding arrangements.

The forum acts in a consultative role for:

  • changes to the local funding formula (the local authority makes the final decision)
  • proposed changes to the operation of the minimum funding guarantee
  • changes to or new contracts affecting schools (school meals, for example)
  • arrangements for pupils with special educational needs, in pupil referral units, and in early years provision

The forum decides:

  • how much funding may be retained by the local authority within the dedicated schools grant (for example, providing an admissions service, or providing additional funding for growing schools)
  • any proposed carry forward of deficits on central spend from one year to the next
  • proposals to de-delegate funding from maintained primary and secondary schools (for example, for staff supply cover, insurance, behaviour support)
  • changes to the scheme of financial management

The Oxfordshire Schools Forum meets five times a year.

Please contact me by Friday 7 February 2025, if you are interested in being a representative on the Forum.  If we have more applicants than there are vacancies, we will hold an online election.

Many thanks

Catharine Darnton 

Vice Chair, Schools Forum