Oxfordshire Targeted Youth Support Service
We would appreciate your support with raising awareness of this service to young people and their parents or supporting adults.
To help you promote the service we have created a communications toolkit for you to use, which can be downloaded via our communications portal. This toolkit contains posters, social media graphics, digital screen graphics, and suggested copy for social media posts, newsletters and websites.
- Targeted Youth Support A4 Poster (pdf, 2mb)
- Targeted Youth Support A5 Poster (pdf, 1mb)
- Targeted Youth Support communications toolkit (pdf, 422 kb)
The Oxfordshire Targeted Youth Support Service is a program designed to help young people aged 11-18 facing difficulties in their lives - focusing on building life skills, healthy relationships, and making informed decisions.
We work flexibly with children and young people to deliver or access the best services for them, including:
- Working with young people in small groups focusing on particular difficulties - The groups are focused, time limited and available in school and community settings.
- On a one to basis for up to 12 weeks. A youth worker will work with a young person to set up a bespoke programme of support that enables the young person to access wider support around them in their community.
- Working with communities in addressing wider issues relating to young people. Often this includes focused detached work for a specific time.
To find out more about the service visit www.oxme.info/tyss or email tyss@oxfordshire.gov.uk.
Young people may self-refer and must consent before they are referred to the service.