OCC Educational Visits planning portal (eVisit 2.0) training

From 22 April 2025 all Category C* Educational visits will need to be prepared and submitted for endorsement using the OCC eVisit2 educational visits planning portal.

This is replacing the current Visit Notification System, which will no longer be used.

*Category C - A visit that is international, residential, adventurous or with planned use of water outdoors e.g. Coastal field studies / river cruise. 

In order to prepare your school for this transition, every maintained school in Oxfordshire (Community, Voluntary Controlled and Voluntary Aided) will need to book their school EVC (or suitable substitute) onto one of the eVisit2 training sessions taking place in March 2025 at Hill End O.E.C., OX2 9NJ. 

Booking links for all the courses can be found below: 

Each school’s delegate will also be emailed a Staff Migration spreadsheet that will need to be completed and returned in order to set your school up on the OCC eVisit 2.0 system.

For further information or queries please email mike.fawcett@oxfordshire.gov.uk