Mulberry Bush Free SEND Clinics
SEND Clinic Mulberry Bush Special School
Location: Standlake, Witney
SEND Clinic theme: Outreach Open Evening
- Friday 24 January: 3.15pm - 5.15pm (limited remaining spaces)
- Friday 9 May: 3.15pm - 5.15pm
The visit consists of the following:
- Gaining an understanding of what the Mulberry Bush do and who we support
- A tour of the education area, thinking specifically about the impact of the environment on the engagement of the children we work with.
- An over-view of the curriculum we deliver, academically, socially and emotionally
- An insight into the assessment tools we use
- Key take aways for mainstream schools to consider within their settings
If you would like to book yourself or a member of your team onto one of the above open evenings, please contact Angela Brown,