Funding approved for more Enhanced Pathways
Enhanced learning pathways for children with SEND approved Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are to benefit from additional bespoke education, known as enhanced pathways, following a funding decision by Oxfordshire County Council on the 25 February 2025.
The council’s cabinet approved over £2 million per year to fund a further 20 enhanced pathways and continue funding the 20 already in place, spreading support as widely as possible across the county. The initiative, developed within mainstream schools, provides teachers with the ability to deliver small group support for children with SEND.
They can offer bespoke and specialised curriculums that meet the social, emotional, sensory and academic needs of each young person.
Councillor Kate Gregory, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Improvement, said: “More children with special educational needs and disabilities will now be able to access the right support at the right time, thanks to this commitment. “We will be able to expand our dedicated provision and support, currently benefiting 260 children and young people in mainstream schools. We’re already seeing some really positive results among those pupils already on an enhanced learning pathway.”
The locations of the additional schools providing enhanced learning pathways will be decided in the coming weeks.
How to apply
All schools wishing to apply for funding for an Enhanced Pathway (2025-2026) are required to complete an application form and student data spreadsheet.
Please contact for further information and to apply.
Applications should be submitted to this email address no later than end of day on Friday 21 March. Applications will be reviewed by a Board in the first week of April.
This Board has representation from schools, pathways, SENDIAS, SENSS, SEND Casework Team and the SEND Early Intervention Team.
We hope to be able to notify schools of the outcomes before we return from the Easter break.
Joint applications from schools in the same locality are welcome.