Free Music CPD session
We’d like to invite you and your colleagues to our FREE CPD training session for primary school teachers. The session is called ‘Are You Listening?’ and will be run by Oxfordshire County Music Service teacher Jo Gill, a highly experienced primary music specialist who has run many popular Music CPD sessions for primary teachers in the past.
The session will take place on Monday 28 April, 2pm-4pm at the Centre for Music, Bayswater Road, Oxford OX3 9FF.
If you’re interested, here’s some more information about the session:
Are You Listening?
For teachers who are already confident about the basics of music teaching, here is a chance to explore the listening and appraising strand of the music curriculum in greater depth. In this practical, hands-on course, we’ll try out ideas for active listening across the primary age range, discuss choice of listening material, and consider how best to develop your pupils’ analytical skills and their vocabulary for talking about music. We will also look at ways to develop listening skills in the performing and composing strands of the curriculum. Finally we’ll touch on the way listening in music lessons can help develop children’s wider listening and attention skills, with benefits for their learning in other subject areas.
To sign up for Are You Listening? please complete the sign up form.
Places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis.