Allergy School
Allergy School offers free, high-quality resources to help teach children aged 3-11 about food allergies.
We’re delighted to have received messages of support for our work from HM King Charles, Stephen Morgan MP, Minister for Early Years, as well as many parents and teachers.
Aimed at early years, primary schools and out-of-school clubs and groups, the resources include 5 films for pupils and teachers including a quiz and first aid advice, engaging lesson plans and assembly packs for Key Stages 1 and 2, a self-assessment tool for you to determine how allergy-friendly you are and how you can improve the safety and well-being of your food-allergic pupils. All the resources are free of charge.
We’d also appreciate if you could pass this information directly on to schools in your own ward and encourage your fellow councillors to do the same.
We want every food allergic child to feel safe, empowered and included in school, but we can only achieve this if every school has access to the right resources.
To check out what Allergy School has to offer please visit the Allergy School website.
Allergy School has been created in partnership with The King’s Foundation, St John Ambulance, the children’s charity Coram Life Education, High Speed Training and Tesco Stronger Starts.
Together, we can make an incredible difference and help ensure all nurseries, primary schools, and out-of-school clubs and groups are enjoyable, safe and inclusive places for all children to learn.
If you have any questions, please do get in touch at