Additional training for Educational Visit Co-ordinators (EVCs)

OCC Educational Visits planning portal (eVisit 2.0) pilot

The first tranche of schools has now received training in the new system that will be used by all maintained schools in OCC.

Places are still remaining at the 2nd briefing and training event for the new eVisit 2.0 Educational Visits Planning Portal. By the summer term all maintained schools will be expected to submit their Category C plans for approval using this new system in place of the current Visit Notification system. The system will offer a more robust one-stop-shop for all categories of school visit as well as an on-line archive, easy access to National Guidance and automatic approval requests.

The event will take place from 9.30 – 12pm on Thursday 6 February at Hill End Outdoor Centre, OX2 9NJ.

Places can be booked using the Oxfordshire Education Services website - eVisit 2.0 training for Educational Visit Coordinators 

The planned coverage for the morning will be:

Part 1: 

  • Forthcoming changes to OCC Employer Visits
  • Guidance Policy for Schools and Settings Approval processes for Educational Visits
  • The OCC eVisit 2.0 rollout plan
  • An overview of visit planning and risk benefit assessment

Part 2:

  • Induction training eVisit 2.0 system
  • Creating an eVisit plan Practice session

Part 3:

  • Maximising the eVisit 2.0 system
  • Staff and student records management Monitoring and evaluation
  • Practice session Q & A Depart

There will be a nominal cost of £30 per person to cover training room hire and refreshments