Special School In-Reach/Outreach

Special school in-reach and outreach support is again freely available to all schools with various packages available depending on your needs. If you have already accessed this but would like some additional support, please make another referral stating what else you feel would help. 

Frank Wise, The Gallery Trust, Propeller and The Mulberry Bush are all engaged with the project and ready to deliver a package of bespoke support focused on developing staff knowledge and confidence, and improving outcomes for our children and young people. 

Referrals are triaged every Monday morning and you should expect to receive a response within 5 working days. We may ask to meet with you to discuss your needs further and ensure support allocated is appropriate. 

Interested? Contact the SENDCO helpdesk or read the attached flyer for more information. https://service.oxfordshire.gov.uk/sendcosupport