SEND training
OXSIT is delighted to offer a wide range of training courses in the autumn term: The SENCO Essentials courses are for all new, returning, or existing SENCOs, whether you are doing the NPQ training or not.
- SENCO Essentials 1 Your statutory role: School processes and systems - 23 September 24
- SENCO Essentials 2 Your statutory role: Beyond SEN Support – 30 September 24
- SENCO Essentials - preparing for Ofsted – 7 October 24
- Supporting beginner pupils using English as an additional language – 21 October 24
- SEMH and Behaviours that challenge - Taking a Graduated Approach – 11 November 24
- ADHD – Identifying and supporting children in school – 18 November 24
They can be booked here.