SEND Live 2025 “Making sense of SEND in the classroom”

Description SEND Live will be a joint enterprise with OXSIT bringing our Oxfordshire SEND Community together. 

Whether you are a Primary, Secondary, or Special school there will be a set of workshops tailored for your individual needs. Confirmed workshops:

Dr Hester Riviere Teacher wellbeing as the foundation for pupil wellbeing 

This workshop session explores some of the evidence for this assertion in terms of teaching practice and staff retention. 

Dr Sarah Moseley

1) Accessibility across the curriculum - The workshop will provide a mix of theory, practical strategies, and signposting to resources and next steps. 

2) Power of storytelling/emotional literacy - The workshop will enhance knowledge and confidence in using stories and storytelling to improve emotional literacy for all learners.

Please look out for the release of information on our next speaker in Schools News and SENDCo Bulletin. If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, tickets are now available to purchase via Oxfordshire Education Services. 

Please contact for further information.