Schools Statutory Data Collection from the Children's Commissioner

Children’s Commissioner for England, I have launched a survey to capture up-to-date information about children’s experiences of school, to celebrate the achievements of schools in supporting their pupils, and drive improvements in the support available across England.

I would be grateful if you would share this information and ensure that all schools and colleges in your Local Authority complete this survey by Friday 20th December 2024.  

Under Section 2F of the Children Act 2004, I have statutory powers to collect data relating to children from any public sector organisation in England, meaning it is compulsory for all schools to provide the information requested. The survey can be accessed here, and more information is available here

I have made it my mission since taking up the role three years ago to listen to children and give their voices and views a platform. Based on extensive engagements with children across the country, including two of the largest ever surveys of children – The Big Ask and The Big Ambition, I have set out a positive vision of what childhood should look like, where children feel their views are important and listened to by the adults who make decisions in their lives.   

With a new government, this is now the moment to find out the state of the nation of support in schools. The survey asks about support offered to pupils and their families, staff roles and responsibilities, and the characteristics and vulnerabilities of pupils.

I will publish overall findings, not naming any individual schools, and will take them to the new Government, to inform future policy and help all those working with children to make schools supportive environments for everyone to learn and thrive.