School resources exchange

School Resources Exchange is a nationwide schools' circular marketplace. Schools across the country are sharing their surplus items with each other. By doing so they are: 

  • Generating extra income for their schools
  • Reducing their general waste (and waste management costs) through sustainable practices of passing on surplus items to where they are needed most. 

The service is completely free for schools to use. We want to build strong regional and county networks so that items can be easily shared between local schools.

Schools are using the service in three main ways:

  1. Selling/buying items: If your school has items they longer use/need - e.g. textbooks, sports equipment, class furniture - then you can list these items on the site for sale. Your school is able to generate some additional income from the sale of the items. Another school is able to buy the items from a trusted source but also at a reasonable price which supports their budget. 
  2. Swapping items: Your school could also partake in an exchange of items. You could offer your surplus items as a swap. You would say the type of things you're open for swapping, so that another school has an idea of what you're after. This way two schools get what they need without any budget having to be spent. 
  3. Requesting items: You can request items your school needs. For example, if you're looking for science equipment, then you post a listing explaining what you need. Hopefully another school has what you're after.

We have a few hundred schools already using the service and there are over 120 items listed on the site. The items range from textbooks to catering equipment to D&T equipment. We even have a kiln and a school mini-bus! 

We're also running a monthly giveaway to schools who are registered with the service. Every month we'll be giving a school £200. The winner of the January draw was Ninelands PS (Garforth, Leeds).

The February draw will be happening on the 29 February. To get your school involved, you can sign-up here. We look forward to working with schools across Oxfordshire.