The reintegration timetable proforma is available
We remain committed to all children's entitlement to a full-time education offer and makes clear the requirement that a reintegration timetable cannot be implemented without written agreement from parent/carer (and where appropriate the Virtual School where a child is ‘Looked After’, Youth Offending worker when the child is on a Court Order, Social Worker where a Child Protection, Team Around the Family or Child in Need Plan is in place or SEN Team at the Local Authority where appropriate).
A reintegration timetable can be used in exceptional circumstances where a reduction in education may be viewed as in the interests of the child and on a fixed-term basis only. The Reintegration timetable proforma has been revised and is now available for all schools as of the 3 September 24.
Additionally the guidance has also been updated and there is an expectation that all schools will also complete Appendix 1 and submit a copy of the pastoral support plan with the reintegration timetable. Please ensure that registers are marked correctly, only if a child or young person (CYP) is present at the time of the main AP/PM registers can they be marked present, if, a CYP is not due to be in school until after the main registration period, the register must reflect this.
In line with Working Together to Improve School Attendance you must use code C2 for Reintegration timetables unless another code is applicable for example the I code for Illness. All documents can be found via this link. If you have any questions about the use of Reintegration timetables please contact Jo Goodey Education Inclusion Manager on