Pupil Premium Plus for Previously Cared For Children
Since April 2014, schools in England have attracted Pupil Premium Plus grant funding for: - children adopted from care - children who left care under a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) - children who left care under a Child Arrangement Order (CAO).
This particular Pupil Premium Plus funding is paid to educational settings at the start of the financial year as a single indicative amount calculated by the information submitted in the January census. Following data verification by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), an adjustment is made for actual funded numbers later in the summer term.
Securing funding to secure the Pupil Premium Plus funding for this cohort, it is the responsibility of the educational setting to prompt parents and guardians to inform the setting of their child’s status so that this can be added to the setting's census records.
An example letter (see attached doc 13KB) can be sent to parents/carers regarding Previously Cared For status. Parents/Carers must provide supporting evidence. For example, a copy of the Adoption Order. Settings must indicate on the census that the child is eligible in order to receive the funding.
Please ensure sensitivity and state that all information would be held strictly confidential. From 1 April 2023, Pupil Premium Plus eligibility has included children adopted from state care or equivalent from outside England and Wales. For more information about this particularly Pupil Premium Plus grant funding, go to