Oxfordshire Early Years SEND Inclusion Audit now live on Evaluate My School

A dedicated free Early Years SEND inclusion audit is now live on the Evaluate My School platform for all private, voluntary and independent early years settings, schools with nursery classes and nursery schools. Register here.

The audit aims to help schools and settings evaluate the effectiveness of their Early Years SEND provision, improving early identification and intervention support for Early Years children with SEND across Oxfordshire.

For more information about the audit and Evaluate My School platform please click here. 

Please note: If you are a school that has already registered for the school ‘SEND’ Evaluate My School evaluation then this audit has been automatically added to your profile. Whoever has admin rights in your school will just need to add any additional staff that need access to the EY SEND inclusion audit. Not only will completion of the audit support evaluation of the effectiveness of your Early Years SEND provision but also gives you free access to all Early Years SEND training on Oxfordshire Education Services this year.