The Oxfordshire County Education and Inclusion Partnership
The Oxfordshire County Education and Inclusion Partnership
The Oxfordshire County Education and Inclusion Partnership (OCEP) is now in place and is meeting twice per term.
OCEP Statement of Purpose:
The Oxfordshire County Education and Inclusion Partnership (OCEP) is a ‘whole system’ partnership across the schools and settings landscape.
It is the overarching strategic education partnership to drive key objectives and programmes across the whole schools and settings system. It aims to be the collective representation of Senior Leaders in the county’s schools and settings, mandated to work actively on agreed priorities.
The OCEP is based upon principles of:
- Commitment to excellence in education
- Commitment to outcomes for children and young people.
- A common moral purpose within the family of schools that sets out collective expectations of excellence and care for all children who live and are educated in Oxfordshire, regardless of the type or legal status of school.
- The development of a self-supporting and self-improving system, driven by and for experts in Education, Inclusion and Learning, supported and collaborating with key partners.
- Commitment to education safeguarding
OCEP Progress to date:
The work of the group has focused on:
- Establishing terms of reference, ways of working and meeting protocols.
- Providing feedback and recommendations for the recently published OCC Education Protocol document
- Supporting the Oxfordshire Primary Headteacher Network (OPHN) to improve structures, purpose and communication
- Considering the value and practicalities of all schools being invited to share learning and inclusion data with each other via a Memorandum of Understanding
- Beginning to shape an Oxfordshire Education and Inclusion Strategy prior to consultation.
- Exploring ways to improve document storage and access for all schools
- Listening to issues and receiving feedback from Oxfordshire education leaders via their representatives
The next OCEP meeting is January 7 clerked and supported by OCC officers.
The Partnership has been formed following requests for nominated representatives across the education sector in Oxfordshire early this year. School leaders will receive OCEP updates from their representatives via established professional networks.
The members to date, nominated by their respective groups, are as follows:
Representing | OCEP Member | Title / Base |
Anglican Diocese of Oxford | Toby Long |
Deputy Director Oxford Diocesan Board of Education |
Oxfordshire MATS | Paul James Vice Chair | CEO River Learning Trust |
Oxfordshire Primary Headteachers Network OPHN |
Rebecca Vousden Additional rep. TBA |
Headteacher Chiltern County Primary School |
Oxfordshire Secondary School Headteachers Association OSSHTA | Lyndsey Caldwell |
Headteacher St Gregory the Great RC Secondary School |
Oxfordshire Special Schools OASSH |
Simon Knight
Ricky Stevens |
Joint Headteacher Frank Wise School Headteacher Northern House Academy |
Oxfordshire Schools Forum | Nathan Thomas | CEO Acer Trust |
Oxfordshire Teaching School Hub | Adam Arnell |
Joint Director Oxfordshire Teaching School Hub |
Oxfordshire Alternative Provision Settings |
Steve Lowe
Jacqui West (role share) |
Headteacher Oxfordshire Hospital School
Headteacher Meadowbrook College |
Roman Catholic Dioceses of Birmingham and Portsmouth | Fraser Long |
Catholic Senior Executive Lead Pope Francis Multi Academy Company |
Maintained Nurseries |
Sarah O'Leary
(role share) |
Headteacher Slade Nursery School Headteacher Lydalls Nursery School |
Post 16 Education | TBC | |
OCC Children’s Services | Lisa Lyons Chair | OCC Director of Children’s Services |
OCC Education and Inclusion | Kate Reynolds | OCC Deputy Director of Education |
OCC Education | Zaheer Ahmed | OCC Head of Learning and School Improvement |