Oxfordshire County Council Lead for Governance

After 5 years as Lead Officer for Governance, Tim Brock is leaving Oxfordshire County Council at the end of September.

Tim joined OCC from the commercial sector providing experience that helped Governor Services to develop its traded offer. Tim led the service and adapted it to meet not only demand but also the challenges of the Covid pandemic. Our courses and clerking service ran smoothly and compliantly throughout. Numbers attending our sessions are at an all-time high and we provide a trained clerk, now employed by OCC, to over 100 schools. 

This is down, in no small part, to Tim and is measure of what he has achieved in his role. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Tim since I took on the role of Interim Head of School Improvement and I wish him all the best as he takes the learning and expertise he has developed to a lead governance role with a large MAT. 

Thank you Tim. 

For all matters relating to governance, schools should continue to contact governor services through the governor services contact email governors@oxfordshire.gov.uk

The team will ensure that your enquiries are dealt with and where necessary forwarded to the most appropriate team member. 

Zaheer Ahmed

Interim Head of School Improvement