OSCB Website Update
OSCB launch new webpage & website layout Some of you may have noticed that some of the pages on our website have recently moved, changed or disappeared completely. In response to feedback regarding the accessibility of the site, we have been working over the Summer to hopefully make information easier to find.
Previously, we had separate pages for our online procedures manual, multi-agency toolkit with local guidance and resources, and a safeguarding themes page with info and guidance on a range of specific topics.
To try and make it easier for you to find what you are looking for, we have brought all the content from those pages together into one page: Safeguarding procedures, guidance and resources – Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board. (oscb.org.uk)
The new page has the link to the multi-agency procedures manual, and you will still have to follow that link to search for any procedures, however the page also contains local guidance and resources, set out in an A-Z format for ease of use. Actively seeking site users we are seeking some volunteer users to test the accessibility of information on the new page.
If you would like to help us improve the site, please email OSCB@Oxfordshire.gov.uk. It would be helpful, when emailing, if you could advise whether you are a regular or infrequent user of the website, and whether you have found it easy or difficult to find guidance on the site.
We look forward to hearing from you.