OPHN (Oxfordshire Primary Headteachers Network) Update
You will have received a letter from Lisa Lyons with regards to the nominations for the Oxfordshire Strategic Education and Inclusion Partnership. The OPHN is one of the professional groups that will be represented in the partnership.
OPHN members have been invited to send their nominations to Angela Wheatcroft, Bryn Gibson and Ginny Bayliss (co-chairs of OPHN) by the 27th September. The OPHN network will then select the OPHN member to represent the views of all primary headteachers on the Oxfordshire Strategic Education and Inclusion Partnership.
If you are the representative for your partnership cluster of schools, please ensure that you are able to attend the on-line virtual meetings on the following dates:
11.10.24 at 10.00am
31.01.25 at 10.00am
25.04.25 at 10.00am
20.06.25 at 10.00am
In the coming months it is likely that we will be consulting all primary headteachers on the future direction of the OPHN, how the OPHN feeds into the Oxfordshire Strategic Educations and Inclusion Partnership and how the OPHN is best placed to support all primary headteachers in Oxfordshire.
Angela Wheatcroft (head.3803@goring.oxon.sch.uk)
Bryn Gybson (head.2563@harwell.oxon.sch.uk)
Ginny Bayliss (head.2209@eynsham.oxon.sch.uk)