OCC Admission Arrangements and Rules

On 26 February 2024, the Schools Adjudicator determined that aspects of the Admission Arrangements and Rules for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools in Oxfordshire were not compliant with the 2021 School Admissions Code. 

OCC has now made amendments to the rules and arrangements for 2023 (as Addenda to the published documents), 2024 (as Addenda to the published documents) and 2025 (as amended documents). These are available online (link).  The Adjudicator determination is also available online (link)

Any academies, free schools or voluntary aided schools in Oxfordshire that have modelled their arrangements and rules on those of OCC should take note of the Adjudicator's determination and of the changes OCC has made to ensure rules are Code-compliant in future. 

Arrangements and rules should be amended to ensure they are Code-compliant at the earliest available opportunity (Autumn 2024 for 2026/27 academic year) or earlier if there is a need to apply for a Variation via the Secretary of State. 

Contact admissions.schools@oxfordshire.gov.uk if you have a query.