New starters – important reminder

Legislation introduced in 2019 - called the Good Work Plan - states we have to issue contracts to new employees on, or before, their first day of employment.

Delays in notifying IBC mean new starters are not receiving contract documents on time.

We know getting all of the information to IBC on time can sometimes be difficult, so please remember:

  • Schools must make every effort to get their new starter forms submitted to IBC well ahead of the new starter’s first day at work (at the very least submit the form five working days ahead).
  • When this isn’t possible to submit the new starter form with at least five working days’ notice, you must use the conditional offer letter on the school’s intranet so new employees have the information they need before they join your school.
  • This is not the same as getting the contract documents issued before new starters begin work, but it does mean they have access to their terms and conditions of employment.


In IBC, ‘Manage starter’ forms can be submitted while payroll is closed. Once payroll reopens these go through into the system.  

Note: if you submit a form while payroll is closed you’ll receive a warning message that payroll is closed when you go into the ‘Manage starter’ form. Then when you submit it and you get an error message which you can ignore, as it will just be due to the system closure and the change will be picked up when payroll opens again. 

  • Always check ‘My enquiry’ in IBC for outstanding queries
  • Whenever you receive notification from the IBC asking for more information about starters, please respond quickly
  • Delays in schools answering queries about contracts result in documents being issued late.

Use webchat
If you need support with managing starters, check the help pages in IBC (search for ‘manage starters’).

If this doesn’t answer your question, try webchat. 

Help with IBC.