New: Securing Foundations at Year 7 Work Group & Get Involved in 2024/25

Book by 17 July for new: securing foundations at year 7 work group

We are delighted to announce that bookings are now open for our brand new, fully funded Work Group starting in 2024. Securing Foundations at Year 7 is a project for teachers working with those Year 7 students who have not met age related expectations in maths, particularly students whose attainment is in the bottom 20-30% of the national cohort at the end of KS2. 

It is suitable for experienced or novice teachers. The project aims to provide professional development and resources for secondary maths teachers, so they are better equipped with KS1 and KS2 maths curriculum domain-specific knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. It will give them the necessary expertise to support students with gaps in understanding content from previous Key Stages. The project is suitable for all maths teachers who are interested in developing their teaching practice to support students in securing the foundations of mathematical understanding. The teachers that are part of this work group will have access to a bank of resources per half term to use to help students fill in their learning gaps and develop their ability to think mathematically. They will also have online sessions with NCETM to learn how to use them. In addition to this they will join a community of other teachers in our area who are also part of this work group to share ideas and support. We require two maths teachers (or one teacher and one TA) from each school to register for the programme and participate in workshop sessions. For more information on the structure of the central sessions, commitment expectations and a list of dates sessions will be running, visit our website. To book your place, please register here.  

Please note: Applications close on Wednesday 17 July. 

Submit your application now to join the teaching for mastery - development project in 2024/25. 

Every year, the Maths Hub looks to engage schools that have not yet begun the Teaching for Mastery journey in the project, and we are delighted to announce that applications have now opened to take part in 2024/25. The Teaching for Mastery Programme is a professional development opportunity designed to support teachers in state-funded schools to develop best practice in maths in your school. It is suitable for schools interested in implementing a teaching for mastery approach to maths. Mastering maths means pupils of all ages acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material.

There is a wealth of information about Mastery on the NCETM website. To find out more visit our website using the links below:

For primary schools that are not quite ready to join the project yet, we also have the Mastery Readiness programme which will prepare for implementing a teaching for mastery approach.

Find out more and apply via the following page.

All work groups and opportunities for 2024-2025

Now we are nearing the end of the year, thoughts are naturally turning to opportunities for 2024/25. With this in mind, we would like to invite you to either apply for a place on programmes currently accepting applications or register your interest in our projects for the next academic year via our website. You will then be contacted with further information as soon as this is available. To see all of the fully funded opportunities we are offering next year, please visit the 'Projects' area of our website. Alternatively, contact us at to discuss the best programme for you and your department.  We hope that these opportunities are of interest and look forward to working with you soon. The BBO Maths Hub team.